Saturday, June 30, 2012

Modern Fashion

Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Beauty and fashion conscious people often resort to cosmetic surgery to improve their physical appearance. Here are some popular cosmetic surgery procedures:

Reversing the Aging Process

Understanding the aging process has baffled scientists for hundreds of years. The quest to find a mechanism to halt aging has not succeeded to the present day. Scientists today are trying to find a gene that causes aging so that they can develop a pill to stop it. They have not succeeded yet. The truth is that aging is a complex process and no one gene or harmone is responsible for it.

Slowing down the Aging process

It is well known that eating the wrong types of foods can acclerate aging. Over eating and eating wrong types of food results in unhealthy fat deposits, calcification of soft tissue and imbalance of vital body chemicals. This speeds up the aging process. It is commonly seen that people who eat healthy food have healthy skin, hair and nails. They have a glowing complexion and a healthy weight.

About Fashion and Style

Why is Fashion important? This can be summed up by a statement once made by the Queen of England "Dress gives one the outward sign from which people can judge the inward state of mind. One they can see, the other they cannot." In other words, people will judge you by the way you dress whether in a social or a business situation.