Saturday, June 30, 2012

Reversing the Aging Process

Understanding the aging process has baffled scientists for hundreds of years. The quest to find a mechanism to halt aging has not succeeded to the present day. Scientists today are trying to find a gene that causes aging so that they can develop a pill to stop it. They have not succeeded yet. The truth is that aging is a complex process and no one gene or harmone is responsible for it.

Signs of Aging
Although aging cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down. Aging occurs when the body begins to deteriorate. Aging is often accompanied by various illnesses. With aging crystalline deposits form on the lining of vital organs, often resulting in heart problems, diabetes and kidney disorders. Calcification occurs in the joints and other body areas. Body tissue begins to sag which is often noticiable around the cheeks and mouth. Skin problems, cellulite deposits in various body areas are all tell tale signs of aging.

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