Saturday, June 30, 2012

Slowing down the Aging process

It is well known that eating the wrong types of foods can acclerate aging. Over eating and eating wrong types of food results in unhealthy fat deposits, calcification of soft tissue and imbalance of vital body chemicals. This speeds up the aging process. It is commonly seen that people who eat healthy food have healthy skin, hair and nails. They have a glowing complexion and a healthy weight.

Therefore the best natural methods to slow down aging is to eat healthy food. Healthy food is raw or almost raw food such as fruits and green leafy vegetables, nuts, berries and seeds (such as flax seed). By eating right, exercising your body regularly, leading a tension free and happy life and ensuring that your body gets adequate rest and is not sleep starved, you can eventually slow down the aging process.

More ways to help Reverse Aging
Beauty and skin care treatment such as anti-aging creams are helpful. Use a moisturising cream regularly to nourish your skin. Oil massages are also useful to make your skin supple and wrinkle free. Eating food rich in anti-oxidants also slows down aging.

Joining aerobics and yoga classes can also help you to strengthen and relax your body and thereby slow down aging. Limiting your consumption of alcohol also helps to slow down aging. Smoking regularly makes you age rapidly. So quit smoking if you want to slow down aging.

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