Saturday, June 30, 2012

About Fashion and Style

Why is Fashion important? This can be summed up by a statement once made by the Queen of England "Dress gives one the outward sign from which people can judge the inward state of mind. One they can see, the other they cannot." In other words, people will judge you by the way you dress whether in a social or a business situation.

It is strange but true that everybody has a fashion style! There are those whose style shows an inclination towards revealing skin and cleavage and wearing tight outfits. There are those who always carry a sports look and are always in jeans or sneakers. There are those who always dress to impress. There are the rebels who create their own rules for fashion. Lastly there are those who will wear clothing for years until they are completely worn out!

Fashion Tips
Note that it is important to dress appropriately based on the occasion and time of day. Your dress will vary depending on whether you are at work attending to business, attending a party, or a picnic. Day time outfits should be different to night time wear.

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