Friday, July 20, 2012

Be Careful Where You Put Your Purse

purse carries germsThere is not always a hook in the bathroom stall to hold your purse. But, putting it on the floor is not a good option.

The floor in a public bathroom is full of the worst germs, and these germs get on the bottom of your purse. Later, you may put your purse on the kitchen counter, the dining room table, your couch, etc., and also the germs the purse carries.

In a restaurant, the purse often goes under the table, kept safe near your feet.

Natural Health Tips

natural health tipsHeat escapes from your body through your head and your feet. When you have a fever, don't wear slippers or socks, and keep your feet out of the blankets.

Many years ago, iodine was added to ordinary table salt so that just about everyone could easily get enough. With so many people cutting salt out of their diets and their kids' diets, goiters have made a big comeback due to lack of iodine. A goiter is a very large lump in the neck. The main source of iodine is seaweed, which is not in everyone's "backyard." Most people can handle a little table salt every day, and iodine is included in most multi-vitamins One-A-Day does not include iodine, so read labels before you buy.

Natural Teeth Cleaners

carrots as toothbrushesCrunchy foods, like raw apples, celery and carrots, scrub your teeth while you eat.

In contrast, pasty foods like peanut butter will not only not scrub your teeth but they will stick around too long and increase tooth decay.

Cheese contains calcium and coats your teeth with the mineral, which helps fight tooth decay.

How to Brush Your Teeth

toothbrush at an angleHold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline so that the bristles will go under the gumline. The picture above is the right angle for brushing your bottom teeth. Gently brush from where the tooth and gum meet to the chewing surface in small circles (not up and down or back and forth. This removes many times more plaque than regular brushing, which is most important to gum health.

Use a soft toothbrush for less gum irritation.

Moisturizing Skin

moisturize skin

To rub under your eyes, go from the end of your eyebrow toward your nose or you'll encourage wrinkles. Dab on moisturizer instead of rubbing it in under the eyes.

When moisturizing your neck, rub up instead of down to not cause sagging.

Wearing rubber gloves to wash dishes will keep your hands from drying out. Do double duty by putting lotion on your hands before putting on the gloves (you may need gloves one size larger than you are used to for this) and let the hot water "cook" that lotion deep into your skin.

Pretty Feet

pumice stone for soft feetOne of the best things to improve the look of feet is a pumice stone. It will get rid of white, dry, flaky skin in a hurry.

Keep the pumice stone wet at all times by using it in the shower, bathtub, or a foot soak.

Rub the stone over the heel, under the heel a short way, next to the big toe, and around the outside edges of the foot.

Foot Care Tips

natural foot spa Soak your feet in vinegar water. Add half a cup of vinegar (white or cider) to a pan of hot water and add feet.

Cutting your toenails is easiest after a bath, shower, or foot soak. These soften the nails.

When your shoes start hurting your toes, cut your toenails.

Wrap a corn with duct tape so that it even the sides are not exposed. Remove the tape and file the corn with an emery board, and add new tape.

Natural Tooth Care Tips

an apple a day keeps the dentist away
Brush your teeth at least twice a day.

For sparkling teeth, rub them with a dry bay leaf. Do this twice a week.

Flossing is the best way to keep your gums healthy and reverse gum disease, along with brushing in the proper manner.

While you are sick and after a cold or flu, don't stick that germ-filled toothbrush back into your mouth. Rinse it thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, or throw it out and buy a new one.

Natural Body Recipes

homemade beauty recipes
Eye Make-up Remover: Mix one tablespoon of castor oil with one tablespoon olive oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil. Wipe the mixture on with a tissue, wait a minute or so, then wipe.

Facial Scrub: Put uncooked oatmeal through the blender, but stop before it is a powder. Wet your face and hands with warm water, massage the oatmeal over your wet skin, then rinse with cool water.

Facial Mask: Add two tablespoons of honey to half a cup of uncooked oatmeal, and apply this to your face. Rinse off after a half hour.

Natural Hair Care

Gum in the hair can be removed by saturating it with baby oil, peanut butter, or mayonnaise.

natural hair care If your hair is turning green from too much chlorine, rinse it with tomato juice, then a final rinse of water.

Remove static or the flyaways from your hair with hairspray - sprayed on your brush instead of your hair. Brushing the hairspray through your hair will make it manageable but not stiff.

An ionic hair dryer dries your hair much faster (which causes less damage) yet is still gentler to hair than the old-fashioned dryers.

Do not blow dry your hair when it is soaking wet. Heat on wet hair leaves your hair looking dull. Let the hair dry partly first.

Natural Beauty Tips

eye for beauty

Sleeping on your back will prevent many wrinkles and breakouts on your face, and even wrinkles in your cleavage area.
Wearing clothes that are tight make you look heavier. Even a slim girl can bulge over too-tight jeans.
Put on a coat of clear nail polish before a colored polish to keep your nails from discoloring.
Being angry really does take away from your beauty now and will result in more wrinkles later.
Wearing less make-up makes you look younger.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

10 Commandments of Sinfully Rich Hair Color

woman with red hairTempted to try a DIY dye job? Whether you're headed toward blonde, red, or brunette, don't even crack open the box until you've read these expert tips.

1. HONOR THY hue
"Use your current color (even if it's dyed) as a gauge when selecting your formula — and never lighten or darken your hair more than two shades at one time," says Rachel Glenn of Chicago's Prink Salon.

101 Beauty Tips Every Girl Should Know

In the world of beauty, there are endless tips and rules to keep you looking fabulous. In the list below Beauty High breaks down all those tips to make the industry less scaryfrom makeup artists, hairstylists, skincare gurus and of course, our beauty staff. Remember, beauty should always be fun!

101. “Always keep your summer makeup minimal. Minimal and sheer makeup is the way to go when it’s hot and muggy outside.” – Mary Greenwell, celebrity makeup artist

100. “The best thing to do when you go to a makeup counter is be armed with what it is you want to do.”- Raychel Wade, founder of Cheek to Chic and La Prairie’s colour ambassador

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Beauty Tips For Women

Beauty Tips For Women

Beauty Tips For WomenBeauty Tips For Women, maintaining or improving one’s beauty is essential for any woman nowadays. Of course, the attention drawn to them does not help the case of the poor women contemplating cosmetic surgery.
Beauty Tips For Women – Whilst it is true that a minority of women do drastically improve their physiques or assets and also reduce a few years from their aging skin, which by this time has lost much of its original elasticity and lies sagging and withering at the mercy of the harsh environment, it is also true that natural and organic remedies have helped countless women beat the elements and retain or increase their beauty

Natural Organic Makeup

Natural Organic Makeup

Natural Organic MakeupNatural Organic Makeup is less hazardous for anyone because it is made without having toxins that’ll be absorbed in your body and can cause you to become ill or have a good allergic reaction.
With daily use, it is possible to surely get the best out of natural solutions. Most with the Makeup uses plant waxes, barks, spices or herbs, natural oil and nutrient pigments. Completely products must have to exist naturally received and will not damage your skin.
Moreover, when using them, they have an inclination to remove the skin problems that are observable in steady makeup. Besides, they don’t have any preservatives the least bit nor coarse chemicals, these types of

Electrolysis Vs Laser Hair Removal

Electrolysis Hair Removal Review

Electrolysis Vs Laser Hair RemovalElectrolysis Vs Laser Hair Removal : Over recent years, a number of different methods are actually used to reduce unwanted hair. Of every one of these methods, the most effective can be electrolysis laser hair removal. In unproblematic terms, this kind of traditional hair removal is an activity by which an electrical current is used to killing hair past targeting the hair follicles.
Electrolysis Vs Laser Hair Removal : One touch electrolysis product is one stopover solution problem regarding excessive hair on various areas of the body. In instances of ingrowing or uncouth hairs, multiple treatment might be required however it yields like result any(a) region it’s

Beauty Tips And Secrets

Beauty Tips And Secrets

Beauty Tips And SecretsBeauty Tips And Secrets – Healthy  person automatically generates a glow as well as shine. Everybody wants to looking beautiful and improve our own look, this is why we have to do care in our body  everydays, do physical exercise, take proper care of our skin, eat healthy food and buy good wearing clothes. Every females needs to find out some of the finest beauty guidelines and tips for stay in fashion and looking at attractive with their partner. Is critical not exclusively for teens but in addition mature females that wish to look great no challenege show up age your have.
But too these popular tips so you can get beautiful, there are more lesser about Beauty Tips And Secrets.

Beauty Tips for Women Over 50

Beauty Tips for Women Over 50 – To Stay Pretty Inside-Out

Beauty Tips for Women Over 50 Beauty Tips for Women Over 50 – Beautiful skin, a beautiful body and a beautiful significance of stylishness do not be inflicted with an aim some time ago you secure 50s. There’s very little difference linking the recommended diet and implementation lifestyle pro a 20-year-old and with the intention of a 50-year-old. Inside detail, the single difference is with the intention of a healthy diet and regular implementation is more valuable than always. During the aging process, the answer to keeping your body by the book functioning and in affect is to munch healthy and stay committed.
Beauty Tips for Women over 50 – At 50 and grown-up, generally adults are still competent of completing generally exercises. Exercising

Eye Floaters Treatment

What To Do When You Have Eye Floaters

Eye Floaters TreatmentEye Floaters Treatment – Have a person ever tested swapping with a gnat or perhaps fly or even flying physical object in movement of your eyes and it doesn’t go off? The most important warning signal and excellent service is an abrupt appearance of an dark object or items that seem to float or perhaps fly in front of your eye or eyes (but it is on the humor within your eye) and it stays at that place. Usually it takes place in 1(one) eye. It is possible to lose the eyesight if you don’t go on the doctor promptly if you are not aware associated with what causes it. A doctor will notify you if conform to-up as well as treatment is needed.
Eye Floaters Treatment – Eye floaters commonly appear using aging. Start a regular exercise program, get lots of rest and prevent stressful

Non Prescription Colored Contacts

Non Prescription Colored ContactsMany public aspire to try wearing non prescription colored contacts lenses. You can exchange your mane color, grow dim your skin color and even whiten your teeth. It used to be with the intention of lone of the repayment to wearing prescription lenses was with the intention of you may possibly point out the color of them, switching your eye color in lone straightforward step. No prescription lenses are sold by companies with the intention of offer prescription lenses. Even though thumbs down prescription lenses are made pro persons with 20/20 vision, companies will single advertise customers colored contacts with a convincing prescription from an eye specialist.

New York Lasik Eye Surgery

New York Lasik
The cornea is definitely the clear covering for the front of the eye which helps you to bend and also focus light so that it can easily form an image on the retina. In case the cornea might be way too flat, images form behind the retina; this is known as hypermetropia or farsightedness. In astigmatism, light strikes the cornea from different angles and also can’t be sharply centered on the retina.
Lasik is short for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis.