Friday, July 20, 2012

Natural Health Tips

natural health tipsHeat escapes from your body through your head and your feet. When you have a fever, don't wear slippers or socks, and keep your feet out of the blankets.

Many years ago, iodine was added to ordinary table salt so that just about everyone could easily get enough. With so many people cutting salt out of their diets and their kids' diets, goiters have made a big comeback due to lack of iodine. A goiter is a very large lump in the neck. The main source of iodine is seaweed, which is not in everyone's "backyard." Most people can handle a little table salt every day, and iodine is included in most multi-vitamins One-A-Day does not include iodine, so read labels before you buy.

Sleeping on two or three pillows at a time will prevent most symptoms of GERD (acid reflux). Or, you can buy an acid reflux wedge pillowpillow by Hudson - CC3015WQC/1, which is a special pillow that is shaped like a wedge to most comfortably keep you from lying flat. See "Acid Reflux or Gerd" on our home remedies site for more information.

Kids should never share hats, coats or combs so they don't bring home lice. See "Natural Ways to Keep Lice Away" on our home remedies site.

Everyone at home should have their own comb or brush in case one child comes home with lice. See "Natural Ways to Get Rid of Lice" on our home remedies site.

Make a flexible ice pack. Pour 3/4 cup water and 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol into a plastic freezer bag. Put the bag into a second freezer bag and freeze. The alcohol will keep the water from freezing solid like ice.

For an emergency ice pack, a bag of frozen vegetables will do the trick. In just minutes, the bag will also become flexible enough to mold around an arm, leg, etc. It is not safe to refreeze the vegetables.

To help someone who is sick, put a lazy susan within reach of their bed. This will allow them to reach medicines, tissues, water, etc., with less straining or reaching.

Use a bell when you're sick to ask for assistance and save your voice.

Don't drink sodas directly from the can that are purchased from a grocery store. They spray pesticides reglarly to keep bugs away, and there may be residue on the cans.

As we get older, we are less likely to feel thirsty. But, older people not only still need water, their medications often cause an increased need for water. Older people and people on medication should drink lots of water each day whether they feel thirsty or not.

You can ease an aching back, or prevent one, by how you get out of bed. Many people sit straight up, which is hardest on the back. Lying on your side and pushing yourself up with your arm does less damage. One step further is to roll out of bed. To do this,lay on your left side, put your right foot on the floor, then stand up (or vice versa if you sleep on the other side of the bed). This can be done from a bed that is high or low, or from the living room couch.

Don't skip meals. Many small meals are healthier and more slimming than one or two large meals.

Your metabolism doesn't start working until you have your first meal, so breakfast is the worst meal to skip.

If you just can't lose weight, you may not be eating enough. Your body will save its fat to prevent starvation if you don't feed it regularly.

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