Friday, July 20, 2012

Foot Care Tips

natural foot spa Soak your feet in vinegar water. Add half a cup of vinegar (white or cider) to a pan of hot water and add feet.

Cutting your toenails is easiest after a bath, shower, or foot soak. These soften the nails.

When your shoes start hurting your toes, cut your toenails.

Wrap a corn with duct tape so that it even the sides are not exposed. Remove the tape and file the corn with an emery board, and add new tape.

Get rid of corns with a bread poultice. Add vinegar (white or cider) to a small piece of bread. Tape the wet bread to the corn and leave it on overnight. Repeat until gone.

To speed up corn removal, soak feet in hot water with vinegar added. After soaking for a half hour, use a pumice stone while the corn is under the water. If you don't have a pumice stone, you can dry your foot and file the corn down with an emery board.

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